In many ways, Medicine Crow, a Mountain Crow, born in 1848, was typical of the Native American of his day--steadfast and loyal to his people, an important contributor to his tribe. His 'medicine' (an object thought to give control over natural or magical forces) was a hawk, which he wore as part of his headdress. In battle, it was more important for him to touch his enemy--count coup--than it was for him to kill his enemy. Medicine Crow fought for the white man twice, against the Nez Perce in Chief Joseph's retreat and against the Sioux under Sitting Bull when they were seeking sanctuary in Canada.
Edition Type | Edition Size | Edition Dim. | Edition Price | |
Fine Art Print | 2500 | 17"w x 17"h | $245 | |
Artist's Proof Print | 150 | 17"w x 17"h | $305 |