"Dignified, magnificent, and majestic, wild horses reflect the beauty of the mountains and the sprawling lands upon which they live.
Wild horses are born with the colors of nature upon their coats: reds and blues, grays and blacks, white and browns. They are as tough as steep rocky hillsides, but they also find joy in living and friendship within their family bonds. To live so freely in bands, herds or harems requires harmony, both with their environment, and also with each other. They rely upon one another for companionship and protection, but they need enough space to run freely and to live with other horses as nature intended.
'Fearless' portrays that true joy of a wild horse, shining forth in sheer abandon." - Judy Larson
Edition Type | Edition Size | Edition Dim. | Edition Price |
Fine Art Giclee Canvas | 75 s/n, | 6"w x 9"h | SOLD OUT |
Artist's Proof Giclee Canvas | 25 s/n, | 6"w x 9"h | SOLD OUT |